Am I able to use the library if I'm not affiliated with UC?


Yes, non-UC users are welcome to use the library. Currently enrolled UC students as well as faculty and staff have priority use of the library. For more details about a specific UC library's community user resources, please reach out to that library in advance of your visit.  

Community users have limited access to library space and resources. Community users refers to non-UC borrowers, such as SWON Library members, NKU student/staff/faculty, UC Alumni Association members, Friends of the Library, Communiversity students, and many more. 

Using Library Spaces

Community users can access UC libraries during regular hours with priority given to currently enrolled UC students, faculty and staff.

Borrowing Library Materials

Community users may borrow materials in the following ways:

  • SouthWest Ohio and Neighboring Libraries (SWON): Card holders at participating local public libraries, high schools, and other institutions. Must be patrons in good standing with home institution and show current institutional card or SWON card from home library, and a photo ID.
  • Cincinnati & Hamilton County Public Library users are members of SearchOhio and can borrow materials directly from University of Cincinnati Libraries with their PLCHC card and a photo ID (however, materials cannot be requested from other libraries).
  • Community users have the following privileges: 
    • 5-item check-out limit 
    • 3-week loan period with 1 renewal 
    • On-site database access at public-access workstations 
  • Last Updated Nov 19, 2024
  • Views 248
  • Answered By Michelle McKinney

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