How do I find electronic newspapers, magazines and journals?


If you are searching for specific newspapers, magazines or journals, you can search the title using the following steps:

  1. Select the Journal tab on the search box. 

  2. Enter your UC username and UC password; authenticate with DUO if prompted.

  3. The results list displays your title and where you can view it. 
    • Please note: that some databases will have different date ranges so be sure to check the dates if you are searching for a particular issue or article. Notice that Newspaper Source covers the Washington Post from 02/13/2003 to present. 
    • ​Click on a database title to view the journal, newspaper or magazine. Be aware that databases will appear slightly different. Let's take a look at Newspaper Source.

  4. This database offers the ability to browse by issues (date the newspaper was published) and search within the newspaper for a specific article title (newspaper headline) or topic. For instance, you could search for any articles about the World Trade Center. 


The Journals tab does not allow searching for individual articles. View the listed links for other ways to find individual articles. You can also explore Browzine to browse journals and magazines, however, you cannot search for individual articles.

  • Last Updated Jun 10, 2024
  • Views 46
  • Answered By Michelle McKinney

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